Remember that legitimate organizations or individuals seeking financial assistance or donations usually have established channels for such requests, and they don’t typically reach out to random individuals on social media. Exercise caution and stay vigilant when using social media to protect yourself from potential scams and fraudulent activity.

Dear Great Mumbai Member,

Any one pretending as Great Mumbai or Team member Please Don’t Respond.

Never ask Money

Great Mumbai Never ask Money from anyone.

Never Request Money

Great Mumbai Never request any money through UPI like a PhonePe, GPay, and Paytm etc.

Never ask Help

Great Mumbai Never ask money for any help.

Never ask Donation

Great Mumbai Never ask money for any Donation.

Never ask Personal Information

Great Mumbai Never ask personal information from anyone.

Never Share Anything

Request to all user Never share anything to unknown People.

Terms and Conditions

Rules and guidelines that users must agree to and follow in order to use and access website or mobile app.

Terms and conditions can also include rules and guidelines for how users can access and use a website and mobile app. For example, an intellectual property clause can inform users that the contents, logo, and other visual media are the property of the business and are protected by copyright laws.


Promoting money related or investment related advertisements

Read All the Terms and Conditions: Encouraging readers to carefully read the terms and conditions is a responsible step. It ensures that consumers understand the details and requirements of the advertised investment or product.

Don’t Invest Your Money Directly: Advising caution when it comes to investments is a prudent move. It reminds people to do their due diligence and consider their options before making financial commitments.

Order Carefully: This part is particularly relevant if your promotion involves selling products. It advises consumers to be mindful when making purchase decisions, which is a good practice for any online shopping.

We Are Not Responsible for Any Types of Scams: This disclaimer makes it clear that your company or platform does not take responsibility for any fraudulent activities or scams associated with the advertised investments or products. However, it’s crucial to ensure that you, as an advertiser, are not knowingly promoting scams.

We Also First Verify and Then Promote All Things: Stating that you verify and promote all content adds a layer of credibility to your promotions. It implies that your advertisements are not arbitrary but undergo a vetting process.

You Also Be Responsible: Encouraging personal responsibility on the part of consumers is a good practice. It reminds them that they play a role in their own financial decisions and should exercise caution.

Including such a disclaimer in advertisements can help protect both your business and consumers by setting clear expectations and encouraging responsible behavior. However, always ensure that your promotional activities are compliant with relevant laws and regulations governing financial services and advertising. It’s also a good idea to consult with legal counsel to ensure your disclaimers are in line with the latest legal standards and that your advertising practices are ethical and transparent.


Awareness Related Great Mumbai

It’s important to be cautious and vigilant when it comes to unsolicited requests for money or personal information on social media. Scammers often use various tactics to try and deceive people into giving them money or sensitive information. If you receive requests for money from unknown or suspicious individuals on social media, here are some steps you can take:

Do Not Share Personal Information: Never share personal or financial information, such as your bank account details, Social Security number, or credit card information, with unknown individuals on social media.

Verify the Identity: If someone you do not know asks for money on social media, be skeptical and verify their identity. Look for mutual connections, check their profile for authenticity, and consider contacting the person through other means to confirm their request.

Use Privacy Settings: Adjust the privacy settings on your social media profiles to limit the information that is visible to the public. This can help reduce the likelihood of receiving unsolicited requests.

Report Suspicious Activity: Most social media platforms have reporting mechanisms for suspicious or fraudulent accounts and activities. Use these reporting features to report any requests for money or suspicious accounts.

Block or Unfriend: If you encounter suspicious accounts or receive unsolicited money requests, consider blocking or unfriending these individuals to prevent further contact.

Educate Yourself: Be aware of common social media scams and phishing tactics. Scammers often use emotional appeals, fake profiles, or urgent pleas for help to deceive people.

Talk to Friends and Family: Discuss any unusual requests or interactions on social media with friends and family. They can offer advice and support.

Trust Your Instincts: If something seems too good to be true or makes you uncomfortable, trust your instincts and be cautious. Scammers often prey on people’s trust and emotions.

Remember that legitimate organizations or individuals seeking financial assistance or donations usually have established channels for such requests, and they don’t typically reach out to random individuals on social media. Exercise caution and stay vigilant when using social media to protect yourself from potential scams and fraudulent activity.