Community Rules & G...
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[Solved] Community Rules & Guidelines

Great Mumbai
Admin Admin
Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 3
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This page includes rules and guidelines for using the Great Mumbai Community. We assume good faith when dealing with violations. We will only warn or ban users who repeatedly or blatantly violate the rules. Administrators have the final say in modifying, interpreting, and enforcing these rules.
Subject Coverage:

Posts in these forums must be only related to Mumbai Explore, Festival, Hotel & Food, Travel, Shoping etc.

Community Rules & Guidelines:
  1. No Spam / Advertising / Self-promotion.ย โ€‹
  2. Do not post copyright-infringing material. Sharing screenshots for reference from social media is prohibited due to copyright issues.
  3. A member or a visitor of the Great Mumbai Community shouldn't copy and share some other individual's content posted here in the forum to any other forum/website. If being shared, the original post's link from TechnoFino should also be shared at the beginning and the author of the post should be credited in the copied post, properly.
  4. Any sexually suggestive/abusive/racist(of any kind)/politically affiliated/gender-biased pictures/links or posts if used by any individual in any sense will be taken down by the moderators with or without any warning given to the individual and suitable action will be taken if required.
  5. Any kind of political discussion is not allowed in this forum else the user account may be suspended for a month.
  6. Any comment/post/display picture if found hurting anyoneโ€™s religious sentiment will be taken down immediately and the user will be banned for life if found intentional.
  7. Individuals are allowed to use religious display pictures if they want to but it should conform to the above point 6 of the guidelines.
  8. Referral links are not allowed anywhere in the forum (except your profile signature) but if you are compiling any original, detailed (minimum 1000 words) and unique informational article about any new or existing product then you earn the right to provide your referral link in that post. So the more you post the more benefits you reap!
  9. Adding words like 'Referral', 'link' or any other related thing is not allowed and theuser may be placed under a temporary ban.
  10. We reserve the right to edit the posts of any of our members anytime if and only if we find any incorrect information or if it is found to be violating any of our community guidelines.
  11. As a community member, you own any content, including photos, that you post online here. However, we have the right to use or share your content, and this right can be transferred or sub-licensed to our partners.
  12. If you are found defaming the Great Mumbai Community anywhere due to any unreasonable/unjustifiable reason, then your account will be temporarily suspended till a proper explanation is given at your end. Otherwise, the ban may be extended for life.
  13. Impersonation of an individual is strictly not allowed. If found then the profile will be banned for life without any warning.
  14. Any post related to buying/selling or trading any Voucher will be removed without any warning.
  15. We don't entertain any discussion related to the forgery of documents, so please refrain from doing that or else it'd be a permanent ban without any warning.
  16. If a person is found to be creating or encouraging users to join/create a group on any other platform other than the means provided in the community then a warning will be issued to all the users involved.
  17. As a Great Mumbai Community member, you can not offer any monetary compensation or any other compensation to anyone for using your referral link. This act will be treated as a violation of community rules and repetitive acts will cause a ban. This rule applies to moderators as well. For the "when and how can I post my referral link" please refer to point #8 under Community Rules & Guidelines.


  1. Remain respectful to other community members at all times.
  2. Actively respond to only the queries of which you have the correct information.
  3. Kindly refrain from interacting, if you don't have the correct information with first-hand experiences.
  4. Try to group your replies into one comment by clicking on the reply button of multiple comments before submitting your comment.
  5. Report any post/comment or profile if found violating community guidelines.
  6. You can spread the quality content posted here that we have here by sharing links of the posts given here among your circles so that it helps the whole community by expanding our reach and including new and contributing members.

How To Add A Topic:

Please use SEARCH first!

There is a pretty good chance that unless you have some odd or unique problem the same has been addressed on our forum before, please use the forumโ€™s search feature first to see if there are already some good threads on the subject. Itโ€™s easy to search โ€“ just click the โ€œSearchโ€ button at the top right of the page.

How To Title A Thread:

When starting a thread, use a topic that indicates the specific subject. This helps members know if the thread is of interest, and is especially important when other members do aย searchย of the forums by the thread title. If you choose a poor title for your thread, the moderators may rename it.

Examples Of Good Titles:

  • Can anyone explain, what is good about Mumbai tourist place ?
  • how to reach CST from Dadar quickly ?
  • Where to find good street food in Mumbai ?

Examples Of Poor Titles:

  • Mumbai
  • CST to Dadar
  • Street food

Double Posting:
Choose the most appropriate forum when starting a thread. If you have a choice, pick one forum, and do not start the same thread more than once. We routinely remove duplicate threads.


Am I allowed more than one account?
No, you can have only one account.

What happens if I break a rule?

If you break a rule, then you will either be warned or banned. A ban on your user account may either be temporary or permanent depending on the severity. We have already mentioned the respective action for all kinds of violations above but since new situations may arise at any time we may deal with them at our discretion.

What happens if I see a thread/post which has broken a rule?
Please report the thread/post to the moderators or admin.

Reporting Rule Violations:

If you observe a thread or post that violates the rules or think that another member is habitually causing problems, please do the following:

  1. Click the Report icon next to a forum post to send an alert message to the moderators.
  2. Fill in the message box with an explanation of the problem.
  3. When you use the Report icon, the post is automatically sent to the administrator along with your message.
  4. Click the send button. Your alert messages will be sent privately to the moderators.


Unwanted advertising and messages with promotional links (spam) are a problem for every forum system. Most spam is created by "bots", automated software created for this unscrupulous purpose.
If you see spam, please report it to us. We remove spam regularly to keep the forums free of advertising. Please do not post in spam threads.


Use of the forums for commercial advertising is prohibited, as is using the forums for any other form of personal or business profit or gain or to promote a particular commercial business or service. If you want to announce a promote a fundraiser related to bone marrow failure diseases, check with an administrator first.

Become Verified:

You can complete Level 10 with 5000 Points then automatically you became Verified Member. To learn how to earn points go to Points & Levels System .

Becoming A Manually Verifiedย 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be members for at least 120 days (4 months) and have at least 100 posts, Topic and Answer.
  • Applicants must be 50k Followers or subscribers on Social Media like a Instagram,Youtube,Facebook and X(Twitter)
  • Applicants must be resident of Maharashtra .
  • Applicants must be dislike below 10.
  • Applicants want to have original name profile.


ย  ย  ย  ย  Great Mumbai
